The most popular equation is E=MCC, the revolutionary Einstein's brilliant revelation about matter and energy correlation. Matter and energy are on the same bar, the denser is matter, the finer energy and in between we live and experience.
Interrelatedness, Consciousness, Connectedness, Cycles, Eternal motion or change I'm meditating since my twenties, every early morning, most of the days it's a routine in which nothing really happens. Do I feel better after a meditation session? May be more relaxed, there's no lightnings and divine voices. In the rare occasions a new insight pops out of those meditations, I immediately write it down so I won't forget, I have a bunch of weird sentences as:
You me planet universe
Senses versus feelings
Free the only life you've got
Beginning end beginning end?
Our physical body ends in the skin, our consciousness reaches the stars
I started to write those sentences in a 200-page Muji notebook, and then went back to a sentence typing it, and then starting developing the idea. It turned out to be a life project, feeling another notebook. when I reached the middle of my third Muji, I started dwelling in the idea of publishing all those essays in a book. it took about 3 years to pick and edit the stories to be included in the book which I named FLY – have magic in your life, that was published in 2018.
To summarize in brief the insights I had I would say that the most important facts of life are hidden from the eye, reality is but our individual translation of our senses and it changes depending on each person perception. If there is something that came again and again in those meditation sessions it's the understanding that I have to keep the corridor from my senses-brain-perception to the reality outside clean, meaning encountering what I feel and see as I see and feel it the first time. Ruminating about those issues I wrote about ICCCE the 5 evasive facts about human existence:
Eternal motion or change
I'll try to elaborate about each one;
Interrelatedness – by that I mean that there are no lonely planets, or human beings made out of clay. Planets have their solar systems, human beings their families the greatest illusion in life is the separation illusion. Items and human beings seem to be separated but there is no existence without correlation and interrelations. The Sun won't stop shining (at least for the next 4.5 billion years).
Consciousness – all we see, feel and understand is a feedback reaction, there is a mega plan or planner that permeates its existence through a subtle mechanism called consciousness, the mind, spirit, soul, self-god and many other characteristic descriptions are private labels of this consciousness. It is about setting the game rules of our existence, who are we? What for? what are we supposed to do in the physical lifetime we've got?
Connectedness – everything is connected, moons orbit planets that orbit suns that orbit black holes in the galaxy center. The air is connected to our lungs, the light to the leaves, the ocean to whales or other fish that can find themselves in our plates as we can find our physical bodies as a warm feast.
Cycles – all that exists have a cycle of appearance and disappearance.
the beginning and end definitions are but a human deficiency to delve into the deeper meaning of the Cyclic existence. We are born in a physical body to a period called life, when this cycle is terminated, we leave the body, this period is called death. The reentry into another body would be called reincarnation, I would call it new cycle of life. The body decomposes into the soil, the spirit/consciousness or whatever you wish to call it which is the true essence of being human continues to the universal pot that is there since the universe's creation and is transmitted to our planet through the ray of creation, that in religions can be named God.
Eternal motion/change – everything is on the move, sometimes the movement is hidden and we call it inanimate, but even in a rock there is a constant movement of its atoms. Planets and suns are in constant motion as human beings and animals, trees seem to stand still but every leaf is moving changing its axis toward the Sun. motion resembles life and life is in constant change, there won't be another moment like this.
Why I'm writing all this? First just a reminder to myself, meditation for me is those remembering, connecting moments where there is no 'out there' everything that exists is 'in here' part of the greater consciousness that includes my tiny body, those thoughts and writings. For those rare moments in my life I end every mail, letter or essay with:
Have magic in your life
Ted Barr