Grave pitch
What would be your last words or your grave pitch?
It may sound like an odd question, but it might be the most important sentence in your life. And if you plan in advance those last words, do you live your life accordingly?
I found out that in the time of death especially sudden death nobody will think ahead and ask what he or she will leave for history, most of the last words I have heard were nonsense.
I had some experience with dying people, especially during my army service when I encountered the lose of my friends' and soldiers' lives, there wasn't any glory in those experiences, it was even embarrassing. Those are some random last sentences which I wrote down and a short explanation about who said it and what was the situation.
"look what the motherfuckers did to us", a young soldier not from my unit at the Lebanon war
"give me give me give..", a medic pointing at nothing
"te yubesc chape..", a strange sentence in Rumanian by a family relative that died in my watch, the meaning of it is something like, I love you onion "I give the taste", my grandmother Nothing to be remembered so far.
There is a mythical last words of Yosef Trumpeldore, an Israeli hero that said (so history claims): "it's good to die for your country", I doubt this sentence because in that time 1920, they use to speak Russian or Yiddish between themselves and it's too good to be true (the sentence I mean), it turned to be a must learning sentence in every elementary school in my country. There are main roads, schools and institutes named after Trumpeldore and may be even Dumbledore from Harry Potter was inspired by him. Having a rememberable strong last words can brand a person long after leaving the body. A grave pitch is much more powerful than an elevator pitch.
in my twenties I tend to have Trumpeldore like sentences:
better to die for a purpose then live purposeless life
in my thirties I had sentences like:
family is the most important..
then I changed it (after my divorce) to:
children and the continuance of my family is the most important..
in my forties when I started to express myself in visual arts and developed the FLY method I wrote:
have magic in your life
and now - till I change it - my last words will be:
thanks for coming, I will really disappear only after you will stop thinking about me
have magic
Ted Barr