REvealment COncealment
“RECO stands for REvealment and COncealment, In this series, I try to dwell on what we, as human beings. choose to reveal, and what we prefer to hide in our lives. all artworks are created on existing artworks, representing the unconscious, hidden, and repressed aspects in each human b”
Cycles of life 1st layer
Ted Barr Fashion Labels
Padwa Design
prof. Alex Padwa is one of the leading industrial designers located in Israel with wide collaborations worldwide. Currently, he is the owner of Padwa design studio in Tel Aviv Israel, and a senior lecturer at Shenkar Academy for design.
Alex Padwa - Ted Barr collaboration started in 2018 with an innovative furniture line, followed by designs for autonomic cars, industrial printing machines, and decorative human-scale vases.
V5 is a merger between 5 architects who founded the firm in 2008.
the firm has a wide variety of industrial, educational, and residential projects all over Israel. One of the partners Benjamin Perry is the architect in charge of the Arnona education compound in Jerusalem in which on 4 buildings Ted Barr FLY art would be displayed.
Learn about our latest pieces.