The evolution of targeted call
Many years ago, when people lived in tribes there wasn’t a personal development mission nor an attempt to better any individual life, if there was a target it was a mission for the whole tribe. If there was a message it wasn’t aimed at any individual but at the cluster of people that constructed the community, the village, or the tribe.
As time passed human beings started to live in cities, and they started to be defined by their place of origin, Newton from Lincolnshire England, Alexander the great from Macedonia, Dostoevsky, Moscow Russia. A message could reach the right person by writing the correct address; thus, cities were defined by zones, streets, house numbers and in modern days zip codes, a letter in those days would arrive at a building and then be targeted to a family and in the family, the right addressed person would finally get it. The next evolution was phones that enabled one to call directly a place, each place could have a specific number. From the first phone call of Mr. Bell in 1876 the land phone appeared on all continents and became ubiquitous; it is hard to imagine a world without phones
The targeting of a place lasted till the first cellular phone appeared in the eighties, the great innovation about cellular phones was that they were personal, meaning there was no need to call a land phone in a place if it was possible to contact directly the person with whom we would like to speak. Almost every human being on this planet has a personal number and can be addressed directly
The next evolution is around the corner, the technology develops in the direction of addressing specific areas within the human body. If you would like to address emotions there would be a certain frequency for that, there would be messages targeted to the right side of the brain, and messages to our instincts, nothing could escape the message future, we would be bombarded with information most of which would be hidden commercials.
Maybe it is time to rethink our cell phones and computers, maybe the time in which the tribe was addressed was much healthier.
It is highly recommended to have at least one day in a week fast time with no food, it would be a good idea to have at least once a week no ringtones day, putting those slavery devices away would clear our minds and open new paths of communication, it might be that human beings would start speaking to one another.