Imagination is an unlimited canvas, the best way to practice is with my eyes closed. Whatever I see is translated by my brain as reality, but it is tiny, unnoticed part of what really exists, I will tend to concentrate on what I see or what I think I see, then the process of translation ensues in my reality perception that has to do not only with what I perceive as reality but with my history, way of life, believes, fears, values, my current state of mind, my level of consciousness, the place I am, and even if I meditated before..
When my eyes are closed, I am not limited by my sight which is the most dominant sense, closing the eyes is an invitation to step in another world that is not bound by physical laws, I often fly high in my imaginary journeys, visiting new stars with serpents and huge bamboo bees that rule a colorful society of native creatures that can seem bizarre for me, but maybe I am the weirdest creature they have encountered.
In my astral travels while my eyes are closed, I meet the most amazing human beings, it doesn’t matter if they are still in their physical bodies or departed from their bodies long ago.
Shankara said that you can be freer in a cage than in your large mansion if only your mind would be attuned to the source of creation to the essence that made it all to be and thus there is no I, no We, no You but oneness and freedom from our self-prison cell.
I met Galileo Galilei, he showed me the fruits in his garden, his phosphorous flourishing vegetables, not a word about the movement of Planet Earth and celestial elements.
With my eyes closed I am faster than the speed of light, I can hover above the Sun in seconds, I don’t need to wait 8 minutes I am there instantly, and from there to our neighbor the Andromeda Galaxy, I tend to end all my mails with 'have magic in your life', there, on the Andromeda, magic is the normal way of life. The scents, the strong deep violet colors to the wind that carries voices, when the inhabitants of the Andromeda want to converse, they blow in the wind which swirls around me telling its secrets like a deciphered cloud memory.
When I close my eyes the universe doors are opened to an everlasting journey through my chair, the room, the house, city, country, continent planet, Solar System, Milky Way and all the galaxies in the Virgo cluster and beyond.
By ruminating and contemplating I find myself in the most inspiring places meeting the most interesting and uplifting human beings, I don’t need invites, permits or links I just connect instantly.
Imagination is the best travel agent.